Liberty Hill/Historic Stitches

Publié le par Claudia :)

Tra un progetto ed un altro, c'è sempre un po' di tempo da dedicare a qualcosa di piccolo, che dia subito soddisfazione perchè cucito e assemblato in un attimo. Abbinato alla deliziosa scatolina dipinta da Liberty Hill, Historic Stitches ha disegnato un piccolo pinkeep che ho completato in poco tempo:

Between two projects, there is always a little time for something smaller, immediately stitched, assembled and enjoined.... This lovely pinkeep, designed by Historic Stitces, goes perfectly with its nordic blue box, obviously painted by Liberty Hill:


Il lino usato è un soffice Graziano, stesso lino che sto usando per... un sampler di Brenda Keyes che presto vedrete!! Il filato è il bel Milady's Teal di Crescent Colors: mi piace molto! Non sono totalmente soddisfatta degli spilli attorno, perchè dovrei trovare il giusto colore anzichè quel bianco perla che ho usato. Chissà... forse un giorno ci sarà una cartella colori per gli spilli, piena di sfumature, proprio come quella dei filati!!!

The linen used is a very soft Graziano linen the same I'm using to stitch.... a Brenda Keyes sampler you'll see soon!!! The thread is the already used Milady's Teal by Crescent Colors: I really love that color!!! I'm not totally satisfied with the pins all around, because I should find the right color instead that pearl white I've used. Who knows: maybe one day there will be a pins color palette full of shades, like the richest threads ones!!!

La collezione va ingrandendosi e ormai non c'è più spazio!

My collection get bigger and bigger, so there is less room for something new!


Publié dans Liberty Hill

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Wow...your collection are so beautiful! Very nice to have them displayed.Beautiful work!
Do you know lol I keep coming back to look at your wonderful display!!  I really do LOVE it :-))  Even though it is not the biggest display I have seen it must be one of my favourites and about my size ,  like you,  I like to keep things simple and not cluttered :-)) Have a nice weekend Claudia  :)
Hi Claudia,I just received your information from Becky for the next year of the Seasonal Exchange. We're going to be partners for the next year!<br /> I admired your wonderful collection of pinkeeps! It's gorgeous!!! I hope I can add something to it this upcoming year ;)<br /> I'm already looking forward to stitch some pretty things for you and ofcourse receiving from you :)<br /> Happy Stitching, Simone
e' una collezione da sogno.....bellissima!!!!!Grazia
Claudia, Great Collection!